Monday, December 1, 2008

11 weeks! Back from thanksgiving, talking, long road trips, and Chicago's first SNOW!

Today is my and Chicago's first snow!!! Just got back from Thanksgiving road trips yesterday...went all the way to Birmingham to Nana and Nanu's house - stayed in a hotel on the way! Watched a little tv there then kept driving. We even went to Atlanta for a night - that was really fun and I slept in the big bed with Daddy and Ammu while Nana Nanu and Granddaddy slept in the living room! Can you believe that? I am getting star treatment everywhere, even in Indianapolis! I wonder how long this will last...Highlights of trip:

1. Thanksgiving dinner at Aunt Trina's house!! Micah and I played together a lot, but then he kept trying to stuff a pacifier in my mouth (which I kind of enjoyed!)

2.Hanging out with Khaled Nana (also goes by Kalo Nana or Tak Nana..not sure which one yet depends on how nice he is to me - didn't get off to a good start he kept calling me Chinese baby)

3. Waffle House and general hanging out with Granddaddy. He's the only one who insisted on washing his hands before picking me up. What's wrong with the rest of you people?? (just kidding)

4. Sleeping with Nanu in her bed the last night I was there.

5. Tio Carlos in indianapolis - I have a soft spot for tio carlos since he's the only one who seems to ever read and comment on my blog!!! (And you too Aunt Carly) He gave me this dope video player, it is going to do wonders for my blog!

6.Rockin out with Abuelita. I missed her! She kept rocking me even though Daddy kept telling her she can't, it's because she loves me!

7.Eating out at fish place in Indy with Tia Michelle and Tia Natalie. I slept in Tio Carlos' hands for the most part. In the end I got really hungry so Ammu took me to the bathroom and fed me in the handicap stall..there were lots of women in there talking about other babies. Then all of a sudden Daddy snuck into the Womens bathroom!! So we all three chilled inside the stall and listened to funny conversations while I ate.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Alabama - back to the place of my birth for a few days!

Aunt Trina convinced me to go to the Birmingham galleria mall so Micah Bhaiya and I could take a picture with Santa together! When we got there though I was tricked! No matter what we did, Micah Bhaiya absolutely didn't want to sit on Santa's lap (I didn't mind though since I was asleep anyway). So here's the picture we took, my head was actually more comfortable than it looks. Ammu asked Santa some funny questions afterwards, he told us that the worst kids are the ones that ask for things like "a thousand bucks"! Can you see Granddaddy holding my new pacifier?

Sunday, November 23, 2008

10 weeks today - exercising, wearing pants, wearing shoes

Ten weeks today! I've been doing lots of exercising now. They put me on my stomach and force me to do pushups! I don't like pushups at all but I think it's making me strong. One exercise I really like is trying to stand and put weight on my feet. Anyway I don't have much time to talk right now because we just now decided to jump in the car and drive to Alabama to see Nanu, Nana, Mama, Aunt Trina, and Micah Bhaiya!!!!!!! Ammu and Daddy have a couple days off before going to Indianapolis for Thanksgiving on Thursday where I'll see Abuelita and Tio Carlos again!!! And also meet Tia Michelle and Tia Natalie for the first time.

By the way do my fans out there like my new purple SHOES! I haven't worn shoes before but I really like to now. These came in the mail for me today from Aunt Trina!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Sunday, November 16, 2008

9 weeks

11 pounds 6 oz weight, 23 inches height. that's 50th percentile weight, 55th percentile height. now i like to be held and walked around a bit, especially when daddy's around he's really good at it. it's the closest i can get to being rocked since ammu won't let me do that! oh and my diapers are getting really tight i need to move on up to the next size. this picture was taken on my two month birthday this week. i'm still a long way from sitting up by myself but i'm trying to practice as much as's a picture of me with daddy when ammu just came home from school, and another one with me and daddy watching HOUSE together (we love that show)

Monday, November 10, 2008

8 weeks!

It's getting cold so I'm mostly chillin in the crib these days. Ammu's friend Yasmin Moll visited for a few days from New York, that was a lot of fun! We went out to a Thai restaurant but I didn't like it at all and cried the entire second half. Daddy carried me the entire walk home and I didn't make a sound, I just wanted to get out of that place! Yasmin Auntie got me this dress and hat! Rumana Dadu puts piglet next to me all the time when I sit, when I sleep...she's forcing us to be friends..I think it's working.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

President Obama

Obama won! I hear this is going to change my life..

Monday, November 3, 2008


i love you bhaiya, i saw you on your new trampoline and heard you sing lots of songs now. will you sing to me? do you remember kissing me in this picture when i was only 5 days old? 

Sunday, November 2, 2008

7 weeks

I can hold my head up by myself, I can follow things with my eyes, I can smile much more when someone plays with me, I can scratch myself and anyone else pretty bad with my sharp fingernails, and best of all....I can sleep through the night waking up only ONCE! For the past couple days Ammu has had to wake up just once around 4 or 5 am!! She better appreciate is hard work for me! On the down side though for the past couple of days I've been having a really tough time falling asleep around my 8pm naptime. I cry a lot and sometime I get a pacifier (which makes me stop crying immediately) although Ammu doesn't want to give it to me unless she thinks my crying is to the point where my heart starts beating really fast and I'll get scared..which rarely happens. Abbu on the other hand wants to give me the pacifier as soon as I make the slightest peep! Abbu is so nice, I think he's always going to give me whatever I want!

Here are some pictures of me with Dadu and Ammu in just my diaper. I absolute LOVE being in just a diaper, in fact being naked is even better! I like to look around and smile when I'm naked, especially when the fan is on! I also started taking showers (yes showers - not baths!) at nighttime now instead of around noon. I love showers and being held under the running water. So far I haven't cried yet, Dadu gives the best showers. She holds my head facedown under the running bathrub water so that no water goes into my ears and I won't get an ear infection. Dadu does all kinds of interesting things with me, then when Ammu and Abbu look it up on the internet they find out that doctors actually recommend the same stuff!

I also went out to the new Italian restaurant BRAVO in Evanston with Ammu's friends. Food was decent, but the people were fun. They got together and gave me some presents I was so surprised. Mi Roo picked them all out - some outfits and two stuffed animals: Piglet and Eeyore! Here I am with them!

Friday, October 31, 2008


For Halloween I was a LADYBUG! Abuelita got me the warmest ladybug costume. It was a little big, my head only went up to the chest! We went to Aman Mama and Karen Mamis house and they gave me a butterfinger chocolate (which Ammu ate!)...Aman Mama's mom was visiting and she loved me, she bought me some gold round earrings from Devon Street - now I just have to get my ears pierced! Here is a picture of me with her. Also on Halloween morning Ammu and Karen Mami and their friends were supposed to go see the Oprah show - here is a picture of all of us before Abbu and I dropped them off at the train station. Can you see my ladybug outfit? After Ammu came home she told us the craziest story - on the subway she saw another baby and she asked how old the baby is - she was 6 weeks old just like me! And guess what her name was? INAYA! JUST LIKE ME! Ammu got a picture of her...can you tell which one she is from these pictures? Both my Ammu and that Ammu talked about how Inaya was supposed to be a very rare name but the other Ammu said people are starting to name their daughters Inaya now because it's "rare" - but that means when I'm older there will probably be a whole bunch of Inayas my age! I don't know how I feel about that...

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Happy birthday Nanajaan

I love you. Amake dekte ashbana?

Monday, October 27, 2008

6 weeks

This week I started talking more, though Ammu and Daddy are still a little too slow to understand me. I also started having a little insomnia! At least by my 20 hour sleep day standards. I don't like it when I can't get to sleep.

I did get to play basketball for the first time this week - I love it! I went to a friend's house to play, but they weren't home, so I just shot around some till they came back. Then Ammu, Daddy, Dadu, and I hung out with Aman Mama and Karen Mami for a while. I told them I want a friend to play with and they said "maybe"!

I found out I'm a Virgo. My friend Wiki tells me Virgo is the sixth astrological sign in the Zodiac, originating from the constellation of Virgo. Also, Virgo is the only zodiac sign 
represented by a female.

I found out that my ideal careers are those in
which analytical and practical, methodical qualities are needed, such as doctor, teacher, psychologist, technician, 
nurse, hygienist, scientist, accountant, secretary, and inspector.

I also found out I like Health foods, Order and lists, Hygiene and cleanliness, Wholesomeness, Details, Peace.

I definitely dislike Hazards to health, Sloppiness, Squalor, Uncertainty, Uncleanliness, Confusion.

I have (and will continue to have) a graceful figure, a roundish head, delicately-shaped lips, large and clear eyes, small, symmetrical, and refined features, and a high forehead. Also I am thought to usually be of slightly above average height (21 inches!).

I'm generally compatible with the same element signs, Taurus and Capricorn, which makes complete sense since Ammu is Taurus and Daddy is Capricorn!!

My other traits :D:
  • Analytical / critical / insightful
  • Precise / meticulous 
  • Orderly / methodical
  • Practical / pragmatic
  • Mental / intelligent / inquiring
  • Responsible / reliable
  • Perfectionistic
  • Shrewd / witty / clever
  • Conservative / conventional
  • Refined / polite / well mannered
  • Hygienic / clean 
  • Reserved / cool / undemonstrative

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

1 month today

a lot has happened in the past month. first, i was delivered by my nanu! then i spent two days in the hospital where abuelita, tio carlos, carly, mama, aunt trina, micah bhaiya, granddaddy, mary, nana, khaled nana, shelly nanu, rumana dadu, rizia nanu, and harun nana all visited me. we were there for three nights and i spent one night under the UV lights before going home to nana's house in birmingham. i spent the first night at home in the placard, but after that i've spent every single night sleeping with ammu and daddy in their bed - well our bed now! on my 6th day of life we drove the entire day to chicago. abuelita stayed with me in chicago for two weeks, she sang to me and read to me and rocked me. then this past weekend i flew to north carolina for memaw's 90th birthday. i met memaw, grandmom erlene, mister charlie, miss theresa, aunt laurie, aunt christie, uncle bill, uncle anthony, and then cousins jordan, jessica, morgan, and vince! everyone was soooooo nice to me and wanted to hold me and they did - hopefully they all washed their hands first! i think grandmom erlene made sure of that. i even got some presents. memaw especially was so sweet, she held me too and before i left i slept next to her in her bed for a few minutes. oh and i was so good on all four plane segments - i didn't make a peep! when i started to make a peep ammu fed me immediately and i fell asleep (across her legs) for all four flights - just like daddy did! tio carlos got me this google shirt, i'm wearing it today for my one month birthday. yesterday i laughed for the first time (with noise).

Sunday, October 5, 2008

3 week birthday

went to the doctor friday, he said i'm healthy and that i may have been eating a little too much! height 20.5", weight 8lb 1oz. height 50th percentile, weight 30th, but since i was born in the 10th percentile (6lb 5oz and 19") it's pretty rapid growth. abuelita left yesterday :( chicago is getting cold but im still warm and sometimes i'm dressed so warm i start to perspire. my hair is getting a little longer in the back and i started making real eye contact yesterday. going to memaw's 90th birthday next weekend in north carolina!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Week 2

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Week 1 - Hello World!

Mama and Bhaiya waiting ouside to hear my voice for the first time..

The night I was born...Aunt Trina holding me. 

Pulling into Nana's driveway after finally leaving the hospital!

With Nanu on Day 6 of life. Moments before getting in the car from Nanu Nanu's house...on the way to Chicago!