Today is my and Chicago's first snow!!! Just got back from Thanksgiving road trips yesterday...went all the way to Birmingham to Nana and Nanu's house - stayed in a hotel on the way! Watched a little tv there then kept driving. We even went to Atlanta for a night - that was really fun and I slept in the big bed with Daddy and Ammu while Nana Nanu and Granddaddy slept in the living room! Can you believe that? I am getting star treatment everywhere, even in Indianapolis! I wonder how long this will last...Highlights of trip:
1. Thanksgiving dinner at Aunt Trina's house!! Micah and I played together a lot, but then he kept trying to stuff a pacifier in my mouth (which I kind of enjoyed!)
2.Hanging out with Khaled Nana (also goes by Kalo Nana or Tak Nana..not sure which one yet depends on how nice he is to me - didn't get off to a good start he kept calling me Chinese baby)
3. Waffle House and general hanging out with Granddaddy. He's the only one who insisted on washing his hands before picking me up. What's wrong with the rest of you people?? (just kidding)
4. Sleeping with Nanu in her bed the last night I was there.
5. Tio Carlos in indianapolis - I have a soft spot for tio carlos since he's the only one who seems to ever read and comment on my blog!!! (And you too Aunt Carly) He gave me this dope video player, it is going to do wonders for my blog!
6.Rockin out with Abuelita. I missed her! She kept rocking me even though Daddy kept telling her she can't, it's because she loves me!
7.Eating out at fish place in Indy with Tia Michelle and Tia Natalie. I slept in Tio Carlos' hands for the most part. In the end I got really hungry so Ammu took me to the bathroom and fed me in the handicap stall..there were lots of women in there talking about other babies. Then all of a sudden Daddy snuck into the Womens bathroom!! So we all three chilled inside the stall and listened to funny conversations while I ate.