Ammu decided yesterday suddenly after class that we're going to take the bus to visit Abuelita!!!! She raced her bike home, grabbed my bag of stuff and we took the metro for about 45 minutes to get to the Tasquena train station. There we bought bus tickets to go to Cuernavaca. We called Abuelita on the way to surprise her and tell her I'm coming!! She met us at the bus station with the woman helping to fix our Cuernavaca house - Lorena! I was veryy sleepy and fell asleep immediately after getting to the house. THE CUERNAVACA HOUSE IS AWESOME!
In the morning we went to breakfast across the street. They have so many birds in cages there it was fun! We picked up some fresh squeezed beet, carrot, and orange juices on the way. Ammu put the beet juice in my mouth, I liked it! It's very...red.
Then I went for a walk with Ammu. She came here 2.5 years ago with Tio Carlos and Daddy. She wanted to show me the exact same walk they went on there but wasn't sure if she could remember....but she did! Here are pictures of us from the walk. There were orange trees here also. This is the creek they saw then. We tried to go all the way but there were some veryy mean looking dogs without collars barking at us so we decided to play it safe. Cuernavaca has some beautiful houses like the one pictured here, we couldn't get a good picture of our own house because there were too many trees/construction in the way.
We also went to the cathedral where I might get baptized. We waited for them for 3 hours - and they never showed up!! Here is a picture of the cathedral it is beautiful! It was sad saying bye to Abuelita in the bus station, although my true emotions are not revealed in this picture.