It's so cool that you have so much fun together every day! I like that. Once Ammu and Daddy gets jobs we will have a party for your 30th anniversary!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
San Francisco treat!
We're in SF! Staying at Tio Carlos' pimp pad. We went to Google it was amazing!! We ate in their cafeterias, I met another baby, and Daddy dropped me into a thing of plastic balls (I landed on my face, it was weird, I cried). I also went to check out the Stanford campus, since I'll be heading there for medical school one day. I got a t-shirt! Mostly we rode around in Ms Carlys car, dodging from the police because 1) I didn't have a car seat and 2) Tio Carlos doesn't have a license. Uncle Mark and Aunt Alusha came over on Thurs night and Uncle Mark treated us to Thai food! Then we all went over to their place Fri night and I met Aunt Jennifer for the first time. We went out to breakfast at an awesome crepe place in the Mission today. I also learned to sit on my own during this trip! And Ammu started me back on bananas. It was such a good trip...Ammu and Daddy have been trying to go to SF for the past 3 years...guess they just wanted to wait for me before rolling through.

Friday, March 27, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Hasta luego Mexico...
I'm leaving Mexico today. It is has been perfect here for me. The weather was so nice I went for walks every day. The people were so friendly with me, strangers would talk to me on the street and play with my cheeks. Kids here really love babies, Little toddlers and kids always get excited when they see me and would tell their moms "MIRA MAMA LA NENAAA" and come over and play with me. I will miss Sra Marta who I know loves me and will me so much. Sometimes Sra Marta just stays with me and watches me sleep, I wish she could come with us or I wish she had some family to keep her company. I grew up a lot here in Mexico. I am 17 pounds now, I can hold things and grab things and play with them. I can move little bit in my walker and I can stay busy on my own. I can scream and laugh. I can say "agoooo". I can eat solid foods. I still can't drink from a bottle though...
Monday, March 23, 2009
Puerto Vallarta hun-moon
We are in Puerto Vallarta! Sra. Marta came too - it was her first time ever on a plane. She was a little afraid, but I showed her the ropes. Abuelita was here for few days but she left. Ammu and Daddy are on their second 'honeymoon'. If this is what honeymoons are like, I want one too! We chill around house, Bucerias, and pool. We'll be leaving Mexico for good from here. I got a bit of stomach infection and Daddy rushed me to hospital. Probably from some germ I ate in real food. So Ammu took me off of all food for now, just back to all milk. Yes!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
6 months old! Eating real food.
I know its hard to believe but I got this body through hard work and just mommas milk. But once I turned 6 months last week I got real food. I'm still refusing to take the bottle so I am successfully dodging the formula bullet (yes!). Every time Ammu puts it in my mouth I just stare at her blankly, what does she expect me to do w/that plastic thing? But surprisingly I like to eat bananas and avocados and sweet potatoes. Papaya not so much, like my Daddy!
I'm in Vallarta now. It's so hot here. Going to hit the pool tomorrow. Life is good.
I'm in Vallarta now. It's so hot here. Going to hit the pool tomorrow. Life is good.

Saturday, March 14, 2009
Last few days in Mexico City
Daddy came here and we are leaving Mexico City together! Spending last few days hanging out with Ammu's friend Paul. He took all of us to a Peruvian restaurant where they ate Peruvian ceviche - very different from Mexican ceviche. It came with sweet potato which Ammu gave to me - delicious! My clothes are also starting to get smaller, some tshirts i can't even get my head through!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009
New nanny - Senora Marta
Ammu Shonamoni,
Yesterday your nanny Angeles showed up in the morning in tears. She said it was too stressful for her to watch a baby. She said sometimes since you cry and she can't stop you from crying she goes crazy, she feels responsible, like she can not do her job right. I told her to relax, don't sweat it, you're a baby - babies cry! But ultimately I didn't want her to be with you anymore if she's so nervous. Of course you need to be exposed to all kinds of peoples and all kinds of personalities, but I hope you always try to surround yourself with as much positive energy as possible. The world is too big to be bothered by 99% of the things most people in modern society are bothered by. There is a lot of suffering in the world, a lot of real problems of science and economics and justice and health and loneliness and maybe love. These, I think, are worthy things to be upset about. So I asked Sra Marta who cleans our apartment to take care of you in our final week here in Mexico City. So she is here now and Angeles is gone.
Every person you meet in your life has a story, and if you try to find out their story you will learn a lot about the world and how we humans are. I will always write some things about the people in your life, and maybe one day when you're old enough it will mean something.
Sra Marta is 42. She's a little quiet, a little shy. She has two sons in their 20s. Her husband went to the US to work, to North Carolina when he was 30. When he was 32 his company sent his dead body back to Sra Marta's house, he had died in a car accident they said. She is a Jehova's Witness, she converted about 6 years ago after doing a lot of research and reading. It started by a Jehovah's Witness knocking on her door. Now she has two jobs. She cleans Sra Blanca (our landlady's) apartment for 200 pesos a day (US$13) and also sells tamales. On a good day she sells 20 tamales a day. They are 7 pesos each. But you have to subtract the money for inputs (chicken, corn, etc) She needs to work 2-3 days a week to pay for her food, the other days she wants to spend at her church or going door to door to spread her beliefs. She reads all the time, and sometimes she is so moved by what she reads that she is crying.
Here are both of their addresses in case you ever come to Mexico and want to find them, they like you very much and I know they will remember you forever, even if you show up 20 years later:
Yesterday your nanny Angeles showed up in the morning in tears. She said it was too stressful for her to watch a baby. She said sometimes since you cry and she can't stop you from crying she goes crazy, she feels responsible, like she can not do her job right. I told her to relax, don't sweat it, you're a baby - babies cry! But ultimately I didn't want her to be with you anymore if she's so nervous. Of course you need to be exposed to all kinds of peoples and all kinds of personalities, but I hope you always try to surround yourself with as much positive energy as possible. The world is too big to be bothered by 99% of the things most people in modern society are bothered by. There is a lot of suffering in the world, a lot of real problems of science and economics and justice and health and loneliness and maybe love. These, I think, are worthy things to be upset about. So I asked Sra Marta who cleans our apartment to take care of you in our final week here in Mexico City. So she is here now and Angeles is gone.
Every person you meet in your life has a story, and if you try to find out their story you will learn a lot about the world and how we humans are. I will always write some things about the people in your life, and maybe one day when you're old enough it will mean something.
Sra Marta is 42. She's a little quiet, a little shy. She has two sons in their 20s. Her husband went to the US to work, to North Carolina when he was 30. When he was 32 his company sent his dead body back to Sra Marta's house, he had died in a car accident they said. She is a Jehova's Witness, she converted about 6 years ago after doing a lot of research and reading. It started by a Jehovah's Witness knocking on her door. Now she has two jobs. She cleans Sra Blanca (our landlady's) apartment for 200 pesos a day (US$13) and also sells tamales. On a good day she sells 20 tamales a day. They are 7 pesos each. But you have to subtract the money for inputs (chicken, corn, etc) She needs to work 2-3 days a week to pay for her food, the other days she wants to spend at her church or going door to door to spread her beliefs. She reads all the time, and sometimes she is so moved by what she reads that she is crying.
Here are both of their addresses in case you ever come to Mexico and want to find them, they like you very much and I know they will remember you forever, even if you show up 20 years later:
Monday, March 2, 2009
Uncle David in Mexico!
I met Uncle Dave from Montreal Canada finally! He is one of Ammu's best friends, they met when they were living in Thailand. Uncle Dave was sooo good with me, he never got tired of carrying me or changing my diapers or changing my clothes or even putting me to sleep!!
After PV, once we were back in Mexico City, Ammu had a big project at school and had to work all weekend. She had to take me to one of her important meetings!! They all sat around a conference table and argued while one person wrote on the board. I was watching intently at first but after a while it got reallyy boring and i started shouting/screaming (thats what I do when I'm unhappy...and if that doesn't do the trick I step it up to crying but I hardly have to take it there...except when I'm sleepy then I always cry). Oh, see the picture with the parrots? That was right after Ammu got her ear pierced! She told me she did it so she could share the pain with me from my ears!
This week we went to Frida Kahlo's house. It took forever to get there but it was cool! I was hot though so they took off all my clothes in the garden, I was much better after that. We took the metro a lot, and walked a LOT. I ate in so many different bathroom stalls...but I don't like eating in them. It's so hard to move especially with Ammu's huge cast always in the way! One time she had to stop and sit on the street so I could sleep...I know I have a bad sleep habit, but come on give me a's my only major vice...yet!
There's this one type of tree here with purple flowers that is so beautiful. Ammu calls them Dr. Seuss trees because she says they look like the Horton Hears a Who tree! By the way I can't wait to read all the Dr. Seuss books...Behind our apartment there is a swingset, I rode on it for the first time by myself!! We go to the market every week to buy fresh fruits, vegetables, and meat. Meat there isn't nicely packaged/compartmentalized, it's in your face. Ammu says thats important so people know what it is they're eating...but if you ask me it looks funny as you can see from my expression!
After PV, once we were back in Mexico City, Ammu had a big project at school and had to work all weekend. She had to take me to one of her important meetings!! They all sat around a conference table and argued while one person wrote on the board. I was watching intently at first but after a while it got reallyy boring and i started shouting/screaming (thats what I do when I'm unhappy...and if that doesn't do the trick I step it up to crying but I hardly have to take it there...except when I'm sleepy then I always cry). Oh, see the picture with the parrots? That was right after Ammu got her ear pierced! She told me she did it so she could share the pain with me from my ears!
This week we went to Frida Kahlo's house. It took forever to get there but it was cool! I was hot though so they took off all my clothes in the garden, I was much better after that. We took the metro a lot, and walked a LOT. I ate in so many different bathroom stalls...but I don't like eating in them. It's so hard to move especially with Ammu's huge cast always in the way! One time she had to stop and sit on the street so I could sleep...I know I have a bad sleep habit, but come on give me a's my only major vice...yet!
There's this one type of tree here with purple flowers that is so beautiful. Ammu calls them Dr. Seuss trees because she says they look like the Horton Hears a Who tree! By the way I can't wait to read all the Dr. Seuss books...Behind our apartment there is a swingset, I rode on it for the first time by myself!! We go to the market every week to buy fresh fruits, vegetables, and meat. Meat there isn't nicely packaged/compartmentalized, it's in your face. Ammu says thats important so people know what it is they're eating...but if you ask me it looks funny as you can see from my expression!

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