We're in SF! Staying at Tio Carlos' pimp pad. We went to Google it was amazing!! We ate in their cafeterias, I met another baby, and Daddy dropped me into a thing of plastic balls (I landed on my face, it was weird, I cried). I also went to check out the Stanford campus, since I'll be heading there for medical school one day. I got a t-shirt! Mostly we rode around in Ms Carlys car, dodging from the police because 1) I didn't have a car seat and 2) Tio Carlos doesn't have a license. Uncle Mark and Aunt Alusha came over on Thurs night and Uncle Mark treated us to Thai food! Then we all went over to their place Fri night and I met Aunt Jennifer for the first time. We went out to breakfast at an awesome crepe place in the Mission today. I also learned to sit on my own during this trip! And Ammu started me back on bananas. It was such a good trip...Ammu and Daddy have been trying to go to SF for the past 3 years...guess they just wanted to wait for me before rolling through.

inaya beby fat come back!!!!!!